For Assn Members
My Applications
- Send an application – screen a potential renter
- Application process for a potential renter
- Active | Approved | Denied | Archived
- Applicant/Renter Status: Completed, Pending, Started, Not Started
- Multi-Household, or Group: Occupants/Roommates & Guarantors/Co-signers
- Application Details
Verifications & Actionable Items
- What is the verification process?
- Download or resend authorization to release forms.
- What does a dash (-) mean?
- How do I resend the verification emails?
- My renter's employer uses a third party vendor for employment verifications (InVerify, The Work Number, etc.). Can you verify my employment that way?
Credit Reports & Background Checks
- Credit Score Categories: Decline, Conditional, Low Accept or Accept
- Background Checks: Criminal & Eviction Reports
- Credit Report Status & Error Messages
- Action Required! Applicant requests a copy of their report
- What do the fraud indicators mean on the credit report?
- Potential Credit & Background Errors on Returned Reports
International Credit Reports
My Listings
- Add New Listing
- Move a listing from Draft to Published
- Edit My Listings
- How do I archive a property?
- How do I advertise my rental to listing sites?
- Property Status Restrictions
Rental Marketing
- Activate Rental Marketing – Advertise Your Listings
- Where are my listings advertised?
- Links to live listings on partner listing sites
- Property Rejected, or Not Posted - Troubleshooting
- How do I delete a listing advertisement?
- Can I hide my address when using rental marketing?
- Authenticate your account through Experian
- Find and Understand Account Settings
- Single Sign On (SSO)
- Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
- Using supported browsers
- Application Criteria
Organizations for Teams
Integrations + Partners
- Do I need to use my SFAA login email for my Intellirent account?
- Is Intellirent only for leasing agents?
- When does the screening occur?
- What’s included in tenant screening?
- Can I enter the application data for my applicant?
- Do roommates & guarantors also pay the $40 application fee?