Set application criteria to change the agent interface/dashboard for submitted applications, or control specific sections and automations on the applicant interface.
Each criteria description below will identify if a setting impacts the agent interface only, or both the agent and applicant. Agent interface only means that the applicant interface/process is not impacted by the saved criteria.
Agent interface only settings are provided to help an agent quickly organize submitted files and make faster decisions. This article covers:
- Application Criteria
- Set for all in Organization
- Minimum Credit Score
- Rent to Income Ratio
- Tenancy Verification
- Employment Verification
- Do Not Call – Agent Approved
- Credit/Eviction
- Criminal
- Guarantor
Find more information about additional options found in your Settings.
Application Criteria
Navigate to your menu drop down Settings: Application criteria.
Set for all
A Managing Agent account type/role will have the ability to set the following criteria for all in their Organization. Learn more about managing your team's Organization.
Agent and Sub Agent roles do not have the set for all functionality.
Minimum Credit Score
On the agent interface only – an applicant cannot see the saved setting.
Enter a desired Minimum Credit Score, and select a preferred Rent to Income Ratio. After you have made your selection, submitted applications will be displayed according to your criteria. An applicant cannot see the minimum credit score an agent has saved.
In the example below, a Minimum Credit Score of 650 has been saved. Anywhere the credit score is visible, a score of 650 and above will be GREEN.
Any number below 650 will be RED.
Rent to Income Ratio
On the agent interface only – an applicant cannot see the saved setting.
When selecting Rent to Income Ratio, instead of Income displayed, you will now see the applicant's Budget according to their stated monthly income divided by the amount saved for Rent to Income Ratio. An applicant cannot see the rent to income ratio an agent has saved.
Tenancy Verification
Agent and applicant interface.
The Tenancy Verification controls the automated process for Present Address: I rent this property. By default, the automation is enabled (ON). Learn more about the automated process here.
When Tenancy Verification is disabled (OFF), the verification request will not automatically be sent for submitted applications thereafter; only newly submitted applications will be impacted.
For newly submitted applications, Intellirent will not reach out to the current address verifier, and the message displayed to the applicant notifying them of the outreach process will no longer appear on the Application to Rent.
*When the automated process is disabled, an agent can still send the verification request and signed authorization to release when needed. Please refer to Send or resend the verification.
Employment Verification
Agent and applicant interface.
The Employment Verification controls the automated process for Current Employment: Currently employed. By default, the automation is enabled (ON). Learn more about the automated process here.
When Employment Verification is disabled (OFF), the verification request will not automatically be sent for submitted applications thereafter, only newly submitted applications will be impacted.
For newly submitted applications, Intellirent will no longer reach out to the Supervisor contact, and the message displayed to the applicant notifying them of the outreach will no longer appear on the Application to Rent.
*When the automated process is disabled, an agent can still send the verification request and signed authorization to release when needed. Please refer to Send or resend the verification.
Do Not Call – Agent Approved
If you would like to disable the verifications for a single application, while keeping the automated process on for all others, upon your instructions, the applicant can enter the email address,
The agent approved option applies for employment and rental history automated verifications.
Intellirent will recognize the above email address and the support assisted triggers during the automated process will not occur.
Intellirent is directly partnered with TransUnion to instantly return a full TransUnion credit report, plus nationwide background checks. The application flow is all-in-one, and the credit and eviction option cannot be disabled.
Agent and applicant interface.
Subject to federal, state, and local regulations for a rental property location, TransUnion will return an instant nationwide criminal check. Learn more
If you prefer that the background checks do not include the TransUnion criminal report, toggle OFF to disable the criminal report.
Agent and applicant interface.
On the Application to Rent: Personal Information, an applicant is asked if they need a Guarantor. Learn more about the Group Application Process.
By toggling the Guarantor section OFF, the Application to Rent will no longer have the option to invite a Guarantor upon submitting their application, however, an agent will have the Additional Option to activate the Guarantor on an as-needed basis. Learn more.
Once Activate on an as-needed basis is checked and saved, an agent can select specific applications that will be offered the Guarantor option.
As an agent/owner, the process is entirely in your hands. Agents are encouraged to communicate their requirements with potential renters directly.
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