Once an application is submitted, agents are notified and returned the submitted application data, supporting documents, plus TransUnion credit report and background checks.
Intellirent continues to assist agents in completing the verifications for Employment and Tenancy by immediately sending the signed authorization to release forms to the verifier contacts provided in the submitted application.
The process for verification of Employment and Tenancy is as follows:
- Review Verifications
- Employment Info: Currently Employed
- Tenancy Info: I rent this property
- Undeliverable and Do Not Call
The automated Employment and Tenancy Verifications turned on by default and can be turned off from Settings: Application Criteria.
*Note: Verification requests are sent from Breanna Wise, with the email address "bwise@myintellirent.com".
Review Verifications
Verifications can be viewed from the Applicants or Applicant Details screen by clicking on the icon to open the modal.
Employment Info: Currently Employed
On the Application to Rent, Employment Information, the applicant has selected Currently Employed and provided supervisor contact information.
Upon submission, Intellirent sends an email request to the supervisor contact provided. The email contains the signed authorization to release form along with a secure link where the supervisor contact can quickly verify online.
*Employment verification emails are only sent once, immediately after submitting the application, however, you may resend the verification at any time.
Self Employed or Other
If an applicant has selected Self Employed or Other, agent's will see a dash: What does a dash (–) mean?
Tenancy Info: I rent this property
On the Application to Rent, Tenancy Information, the applicant has selected I rent this property and provided landlord contact information.
Upon submission, Intellirent send an email request to the landlord contact provided. The email contains the signed authorization to release form along with a secure link where the landlord contact can quickly verify online.
1st attempt: Immediately after the application fee is paid, Intellirent will email the signed authorization to release form along with a secure link where the landlord for the current address can quickly verify online.
2nd attempt: The following day and depending on the time an application was submitted, if the tenancy verification is pending there is a 2nd email reminder sent either at 8 AM or 12 PM, Pacific, 11 AM or 3 PM, Eastern.
3rd attempt: Same day, after the reminder email is sent, if the tenancy verification is still pending, Intellirent's support team will make a phone call to that tenancy contact.
Failed attempt: After the phone call and if Intellirent is was unsuccessful in completing the verification, we will notify both the agent and the renter of our multiple attempts to collect the verification.
* Tenancy verification emails can be resent from the Application Details page.
I do not rent
If an applicant has selected I do not rent for Present Address, agent's will see a dash: What does a dash (–) mean?
When a submitted application contains an email address that results in an undeliverable response and the verification is not successfully sent, the system triggers a notification to the Intellirent support team who will begin mediation to correct the problem.
Our support team will attempt a phone call. If Intellirent is still unsuccessful, we will reach out to the renter and request their assistance in obtaining the correct contact information.
Updated contact info
When automated verifications are enabled, for active files within 30 days of submission, if the verifier contact information is updated, the request will be reset and the follow up process will restart.
Do Not Call – Agent Approved
The automated verifications can be turned off for all submitted applications from the agent Settings: Application Criteria, however, if you would like the process to be temporarily disabled for a specific application, the applicant should be instructed to enter the email address, agentapproved@noemail.com, for both or either Employment or Tenancy.
The agent approved email address signifies that the application has the approval of the agent to not deliver the email verification and to not call since the system will recognize the email as undeliverable.
If then the agent has decided to proceed with the automated verification process, the email address can be edited by either the applicant or agent. Updating the email address will begin the automation process from the start.
Still need help? Submit a support request here.
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