The default Home Screen when logging into an agent account is Applicants. The Home Screen can be changed from Settings > Account > Home Screen.
This article provides a a description of the following sections,
The Applicants list is your virtual view of submitted applications, sorted by last application that was updated first.
The screen displays the applicant's task status, Date Submitted, Credit Score, Budget and Rent if the file is associated with a published property, as well as color coded Actionable Items on the right. The Credit Score and Budget on the agent interface can be managed in Application Criteria.
Completed, Pending Not Started
Next to the applicant's name, you will see the applicant's task status, Completed, Pending, or Not Started. This indicator is specific to actionable items for the applicant. Read more here.
Click on the applicant's name to open and navigate to the Applicant Details screen where an agent can further manage the details of the selected file.
Applicant Details
From the Applicant Details, click into a specific section to see verification questions or complete manually. You can also move an application to a different property.
Renter Resume
Intellirent further compiles all data and documents into a Renter Resume. From the Renter Resume screen, an agent can filter, download and access integrations.
NOTE: The Renter Resume can also be reached from the Applicants screen by clicking on the credit score.
The Properties screen is where an agent can manage or publish available properties and rental marketing.
Enable tasks from your Settings: Account Profile: Notifications & Home Screen
Tasks provide agents with updates on submitted applications in an easy list view.
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