Once you have added other agent users to your Intellirent Organization, you can Share a property with a different agent account.
When Sharing a property, you will maintain ownership of that property while allowing another account to view and edit that property. *Submitted applications for that property will also be visible to the agent that the property was shared with. If you wish to completely change the property owner you can instead Move Property.
Share a property
To Share a property, navigate to your published Properties list view, find the property you'd like to share, then click on the lock icon.
Select Agent
A Share Property modal will pop up. Select an Agent from the drop down option, then click Save.
Once you have Shared the property, from your published property list view, hover over the agent icon to view who you are sharing the property with.
If you see a lock icon, that means the property is not being shared. The lock icon will only appear once accounts have invited/added accounts to your Organization.
To stop sharing the property, click on the agent icon, then X to remove that account.
Share to multiple accounts within your Organization by selecting additional agents from the Select Agent drop down. All selected agents will be able to view the property and any submitted applications for that property.
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