Draft to Published
If you started to create a property but exited without clicking Publish, your property will be saved in your Draft folder. Following the outlined steps below to publish a drafted property.
Find Property in Draft Folder
Navigate to Draft by hovering over Properties and clicking Draft.
Once in the Draft folder, click on the desired property name or street address.
Publish Property
After opening the property details, click on the horizontal ellipsis (...) to see more options, then click Publish.
Archived to Published
If you previously archived a property and would like to republish it for use again, your property can be recovered from the Archive folder. Following the outlined steps below to publish an archived property.
Find Property in Archived Folder
Navigate to Archived by hovering over Properties and clicking Archived.
Once in the Archived folder, click on the desired property name or street address.
Publish Property
After opening the property details, click on the horizontal ellipsis (...) to see more options, then click Publish.
Publishing your property on Intellirent does not automatically advertise/market your property to our partner listing sites. You must activate the rental marketing feature in order to utilize the advertising syndication feature for published properties.
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